About GCAP

The Geospatial Center for the Arctic and Pacific (GCAP) leads cutting-edge research in geodesy and geospatial technologies in a region that is tectonically-active, yet underserved by existing geodetic infrastructure: the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and Alaska, including the U.S. Arctic. Through a NOAA National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Geospatial Modeling Grant, we are conducting research to aid NGS in modernizing the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), the official, national system for latitude, longitude, height, and gravity. Current projects include investigation of precise point positioning (PPP) and real-time networks (RTNs) within the NSRS, implementation of NGS’s new reference frames and geopotential datum for geospatial applications such as topographic mapping, light detection and ranging, and sonar surveys, and development of a National Real Time Network (RTN) alignment service. In other funded research, GCAP is working to develop new technologies and techniques for mapping shoreline and nearshore bathymetry and improving resilience to coastal and seismic hazards.

Education and outreach are core to the mission of GCAP. A key emphasis in our education initiatives is to develop the next generation of geodesists, surveyors, and geospatial processionals, and broaden participation in these fields. We are creating and implementing outreach programs that actively engage Alaska Native communities and K-12 students throughout our region. GCAP-supported graduate students and early-career professionals are poised to lead future advancements in geospatial fields. GCAP educational materials are distributed via open-access e-learning platforms to increase accessibility by those in remote regions.

OSU student working with survey equipment